Why Us

Why Us

Surely anyone will have a question in mind to choose his/her doctor. We doesnt say that we are excellent but we leave this question to our patient. they are the best judge to decide.

Here we are incorporating our features in this page

We have a highly capable team of dental specialist who is able to diagnose and manage all types of Oral, Maxillofacial & Endodontic as well as Paediatric issues.

We provide all the case record to patient so that in future he can consult regarding the treatment he had undergone with us to his general practitioner or doctor anywhere worldwide.

ROOT CANAL TREATMENT (RCT) under Dental Microscope

Jamnagars 1st & only dental centre equipped with dental operating microscope (USA).

The field of dentistry is developing dynamically, inventing techniques to preserve natural teeth. Also, the patients more and more opt to keep their own teeth rather than have them extracted and replaced by a prosthetic restoration. This makes the endodontic treatment, or root canal treatment, a very important part of the everyday dental practice. Most patients who visit the dental office with a painful tooth require root canal treatment. In the past, if a tooth was damaged or diseased, it was usually extracted. But today, the chances of saving such a tooth are increasing.

Root canal treatment consists of the careful removal of the inflamed, dead or gangrenous pulp from the root canal and consequently filling the roots with a biocompatible material. To ensure a maximum accuracy of root canal treatment, our clinic offers modern endodontic equipment, including the LEBOMED U.S microscope of the LEBOMED Surgical Corporation, Carestream RVG for X-ray, J Morita Apex Locator (a precise device for measuring the length of the endodontic tools used in root canal treatment), X-smart a professional endodontic micromotor launched by Maillefer DENTSPLY, and an intraoral camera. All endodontic equipment used in our clinic is supplied by the established Swiss Maillefer DENTSPLY company.

Global standards in diagnosis and treatment of oral cavity diseases require special professional instruments an operating microscope (OM). This special device allows our dentist to see into the root with up to 16 fold magnification. Skilled and experienced root canal professionals are able to locate and diagnose the slightest teeth damages and their types, and the use of a high-quality digital camera installed in the OM allows to register the damage.

Precision Enhanced With A Microscope

The endodontic operating microscope is an invaluable device in root canal treatment. Visualization inside the tooth is enhanced with increased magnification and illumination, allowing the dentist to operate very precisely in an area the size of a square millimetre. In terms of root canal treatment, this precision allows to:

  • Localize and treat the main and secondary root canals of the tooth, including branches often not visible in a standard treatment,
  • Localize and remove broken endodontic instruments, restorative crown fragments, calcified canals,
  • Treating very narrow or obliterated (closed) root canals,
  • Successfully treating difficult and complicated canals with rare root anatomy,
  • Root resorption treatment,
  • Microsurgical apicoectomy and root-end filling with special materials.